This is an unnamed series of waterfalls in the city
of Amsterdam. We have tentatively given it this name because
of its location. From this location, we saw and counted five
drops. It is possible that some of these are actually what
is left of man-made structures. It is evident that this area
used to be a manufacturing area and dams were probably present at
one time. They were either demolished or nature has taken
its toll and this is what is left.
Just above the parking area, from the upstream side of the Forest
Avenue bridge, you can see an old dam that used to be about eight
to ten feet high. This is the first drop which is a
small cascade formed where the center stones have washed out so
the drop over what's left of the dam is only five or six feet high.
Proceeding back downstream, past the parking area, follow the
creek through the field and you will see four more drops.
The first of these, which we are calling the second drop overall,
is just downstream of the Forest Avenue Bridge and is in a
narrow part of the channel. This is probably about six to
eight feet high and appears to be a natural waterfall.
Further downstream, just past a footbridge, the third drop is a
free-fall cascade of about 15'. We're not sure of the
status of this one, but may be man-made remnants of a former
dam. Drop four is another 50' or so downstream and is a
small cascade of about three feet. The fifth and final
drop is a 15' plunge through the rocks in the channel and is
another 200' or so downstream.
The four videos at the right show, in order, Drop 2,
3, 4 and 5.
The water
from the North Chuctanunda Creek makes its way into the Mohawk River
and the Hudson River before reaching the Atlantic Ocean in New York
Last update: October 7, 2017
