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Talcott Falls


Take I-81 to exit 43, commonly referred to as the Kellogg Hill exit.  From the exit, head east ... a right if you were northbound and a left if southbound.  Within a few hundred yards, you will intersect Route 11.  The north and southbound lanes are split at this point by a large rock outcropping.  Go straight across the southbound lane and turn left.  You will merge into the northbound lane.  Bear right and the falls will be a half mile or so up the road on your right.  There are signs as you approach so it won't be hard to find.

County: Jefferson
Town: Adams
USGS Map: Watertown
Waterway: Stony Creek
Latitude: N 43° 53' 31"
Longitude: W 75° 58' 45"
Drop: 35'
Type: Ribbon Cascade
Region: South of Watertown
Parking: Roadside
Trail type: Roadside
Length of hike: Roadside
Difficulty: Easy
Accessibility: Private, with a roadside view
Name: Official

Waterfall videoTalcott Falls is certainly one of, if not the most popular waterfall in Jefferson County, New York.  It is within sight of New York State Route 11, a few miles south of Watertown.  In fact, you don't even have to get out of your car to get good pictures.  It is the only waterfall in Jefferson County listed on the USGS GNIS.

The property itself is private land.  We have been emphasizing that for some time but now there are posted signs at the location.  Please honor the landowner's rights.  With liability and so on the way they are these days, we can certainly understand why they have posted the site.  You can still get a nice view of the waterfall from within the highway right-of-way.  If you do get out of your car to take pictures, please stay within the right-of-way and use caution.  This is a very busy US highway.  Traffic is relatively heavy in this area and they are coming by at speed.  Use caution! 

Please note that some of our pictures were taken before the area was posted.  Those that were taken after it was posted were taken from the shoulder of the highway on the northbound lane.

The Stony Creek is actually one of the smallest waterways that flows into Lake Ontario that contains a waterfall.  Further downstream, it flows through the village of Henderson.  Its outlet into Lake Ontario is just south of Stony Point in the town of Henderson.

Last update:  January 8, 2017

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Talcott Falls Talcott Falls
Talcott Falls Talcott Falls
Talcott Falls Talcott Falls
Talcott Falls Talcott Falls
Talcott Falls Talcott Falls
Talcott Falls

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