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Philadelphia Upper Falls


This waterfall is in the village of Philadelphia.  From the intersection of US 11 and NY 26, follow NY 26 north for only 250 feet or so.  The first left is Garden Road.  You will cross a bridge and the upper falls will be on the left.  Just past here is the Village of Philadelphia Wastewater Collection and Treatment Facility. 

County: Jefferson
Town: Philadelphia
USGS Map: Philadelphia
Waterway: Indian River
Latitude: 44° 09' 28.48"
Longitude: 75° 42' 33.41"
Drop: NA
Type: Cascade
Region: In the village of Philadelphia
Parking: Roadside
Trail type: Dirt
Length of hike: 0.1 mile
Difficulty: Easy
Accessibility: Public
Name: Common

Philadelphia Quadrangle

Waterfall videoThis is a very interesting location.  There are four distinct drops here.  Just below a hydro dam, there is a pleasant little waterfall which we are referring to as Philadelphia Upper Falls.  You can see this easily from Garden Road.  Below this there are three drops, which we have listed separately as Philadelphia Right Falls, Philadelphia Center Falls and Philadelphia Left Falls.

From the bridge on Garden Road, you can see the upper section on your left.  This is a small curtain cascade that drops about five feet through a narrow section of the river, just below a dam.  A second drop, a slide of only about three feet, occurs just upstream of the bridge.

The Indian River flows through Black Lake.  Then it joins the Oswegatchie River which flows to the St. Lawrence River in Ogdensburg.

Last update: April 29, 2016

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Philadelphia Upper Falls Philadelphia Upper Falls
Philadelphia Upper Falls Philadelphia Upper Falls
Philadelphia Upper Falls

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