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Bakers Falls/Hudson Falls


In downtown Hudson Falls, NY 4 is Main Street.  At the corner of John Street, head west toward the Hudson River.  The road will branch.  Head right and this road will end in a "T".  Take a left on Bridge Street.  You will cross the Hudson and this becomes Saratoga County Route 27.  There will be a parking lot on the left.

County: Washington/Saratoga
Town: Kingsbury/Moreau
USGS Map: Hudson Falls
Waterway: Hudson River
Latitude: N 43o 17' 46"
Longitude: W 73o 35' 29"
Drop: NA
Type: NA
Region: Downtown Hudson Falls
Parking: Streetside
Trail type: None
Length of hike: None
Difficulty: Easy
Accessibility: Public
Name: official

Hudson Falls Quadrangle

Bakers Falls and Hudson Falls are one and the same, at least as far as the waterfall is concerned.  There is now, and has been for some time, a hydroelectric dam at this location.  There is a long slide-type waterfall at the base of it..

Since the Hudson River is the county line between Washington and Saratoga Counties at this point, the waterfall is technically in both counties.  The best view of it is from the Saratoga County side, but we have opted to put this in Washington County for a couple of reasons.  Bakers Falls is the waterfall.  It is an officially named waterfall listed on the USGS GNIS.  That data base places it in Washington County.  Hudson Falls the community is in Washington County.  Several accounts indicate that the waterfall was named after early resident Albert Baker.  This dates back to the 1760s.  In 1910, the village became Hudson Falls, having originally been Sandy Hill.  For whatever reason, the community was name Hudson, rather than Bakers, Falls.  Perhaps this was because the waterfall was on the Hudson River.

The falls itself appears to drop about 15' over a significant stretch below the dam.  From the looks of the river around it, this would have been quite a waterfall before the dam was built.

The Hudson River empties into the Atlantic ocean in New York City.

Last update:  october 12, 2015

Hover on any of the thumbnails to see an enlarged image

Hudson Falls Hudson Falls
Hudson Falls Hudson Falls
Hudson Falls

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